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Friday, August 20, 2010

Dare 2010 Part 4 - Images

The last of the Dare posts...I hope, unless I think of anything else. The following 3 images are part of our promotional images we used for WiiKick and Protoplay. Click for larger.

Our team image, taken on a greenscreen background at first, it's not perfect but it get's the point across.

The Magic of HDRI

X-Ray of our Goalie that I drew in photoshop.

This image was printed out in A6 and autographed "Tayto" by yours truly and were handed out to players at protoplay.

These paintings need some explanation. We had power-ups in our smash scene, and we needed objects to be smashed to release them. I came up with the idea to make these objects paintings, which first meant painting pictures, and then ruining them with big dirty looking question marks before texturing the appropriate meshes.

These are the icons that would fly out of the paintings after they were smashed, signifying one of 3 power-ups.

Well, I thinks that's everything for Dare, I did much more here and there though, sadly I didn't get rendering our crowd animations, but if I figure out a way to get the darn max files working on my pc I'll be sure to put the animations in the previous post.

Kev Ryan

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