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Friday, November 30, 2012

Peripheral, in jaw dropping High Def

I decided today that I was sick of having the only version of my short film online being a low quality vimeo clip which didn't fill the entire screen space due to some dodgy rendering/transcoding. So I went back to the TGA sequence I had rendered and brought it back into After Effects with the mixed down sound. Added in a vignette and fiddled with the colours slightly. Made it massive, rendered it out at full quality and put it on youtube.

Here it is!

You best be full-screening at 1080p!

I've a plan in the works for it which I hope to talk about on here soon. For now I'm happy to take a trip back to last year and wonder what the hell was I thinking.


Kev Ryan

I choose you!!! Smelly Farting Pokemon!

So I had a bit of downtime between two game related animation projects (of which I hope to have videos here soon) and found myself getting back into Zbrush. I decided to sculpt something simple and iconic while giving it a slight bit of my own potentially NSFW twist, though not going too mad until my competence with Zbrush improves.

I'm afraid I got massively into Pokémon when I was younger, and the obsession appears to have lay dormant within me. That or maybe I just love how this guy used to say his name in the show. KOFFING!!!

Fullscreen & HD!!

The nice thing about working on this was learning about the movie options within Zbrush. There are a heap of additional features in this program that I'm dying to try out. One feature in particular being DYNAMESH which allows you to combine meshes for more complex objects to begin sculpting on. So I was really able to put it to the test with my next sculpt...Koffing's one and only evolution...WEEZING

Fullscreen & HD, AGAIN!!

These were a lot of fun to make so I can forsee many many more. Probably getting more bizzare as time goes on.


Kev Ryan

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kinopolis 2012

So I was recently contacted to make a trailer for this years Kinopolis Polish Film Festival. A great festival showcasing Polish films and animations along with talks with actors and directors and all sorts. Unfortunately I only managed to make the trailer and not attend as I was preparing a costume for a DJ set at an Anime Convention. Which I'm also hoping to post pictures of up on this blog.

Nevertheless lots of projects on the go at the moment and sworn to secrecy on the lot of them!


Kev Ryan